Thursday, February 21, 2008

Entering the Politcal Fray...kind of...

I have really not wanted to get too deep into anything political, but someone forwarded this article to me and I found it insightful. I have not really jumped on the Obama bandwagon, nor any politician at this point, but I have heard some people talk about how compelling Obama seems to be. I definitely think this article articulates well what my gut has been telling me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo perry, what's up?

this article doesn't really add up for me. obama's record is what it is. it's there for everyone to see. just because he has his particular policies doesn't mean he can't call for transcending the divisions that divide either side of the debate.

the article also assumes that obama will fail before he's even given the opportunity to prove himself. it's an article written from the same partisan rhetorical perspective that Obama is trying purge from the political landscape.

don't get me wrong, i like McCain a lot but in too many ways, he's just more of the same.

hope you and your family are well!