Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Worship Leader vs. Lead Worshiper

I have heard this term before, but I just read a post linked to one of the blogs I sometimes read that really caused me some thought, some uncomfortable thought actually. The worship leader is the one who gets up and leads the congregation in corporate worship as we know it in most contemporary churches in America. However, Steve Corn in his post here points out that the most effective worship leaders are the lead worshipers, and how he feels like in his own life, he has become less a lead worshiper and more of a worship leader.

I can very much relate to this, as over the years I have struggled with getting more wrapped up in all that goes into leading worship, than consumed in my heart with worshiping the one true God in Spirit and in Truth, which was the whole point in the first place, and something I feel I used to do so much more. I am grateful that I stumbled across this post that reminds me that first and foremost, I am a worshiper of God, and when I am worshiping him, I will be far more effective in leading others to do the same!


Anonymous said...

hey man - thanks for linking this to my post. The concept I wrote about regarding lead worshipers is not original with me. I'm not that smart. I first heard the terminology being kicked around at a "worship together" conference in a session with Louie Giglio, Chris Tomlin, and Matt Redman.

By the way, I noticed you enjoyed the book "simple church." I found a link the other day for a free download of the follow up book called "essential church" - it's only free for a few days, but you can find it at

Richard said...

I've seen a servant's heart in you, Perry. Don't get too discouraged!

That kinda goes with what Jeremy (and I'm sure the rest of the preachers) were talking about last night, about getting wrapped up in the wrapping. I do that a lot, too.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Perry, you should check out this post for a interesting conversation about worship leaders:

It doesn't exactly speak to your post, but I think it all mixes in somehow.