I just finished Andy Stanley's book "
Louder than Words" which was given to me by my brother in law at Christmas time. I am a fan of Andy Stanley and really enjoyed and was challenged by this book. It is a book about character, and the need to pursue it in our lives.
Two particular things I liked about it were the chapters connected to renewal that spoke of putting off the old self and putting on the new. In particular, it was his point of challenging the lies that you tell yourself all the time. I really resonated with that because I am often very guilty of listening to the lies in my head, the personal attacks that I deliver on myself quite easily and frequently. But when considering Stanley's words, I tried to begin to really process what I was saying to myself and asking the question, "is this true, or is it a lie?" and then working on identifying the lie. It has been helpful.
The second chapter was about the new self, and basically reinforcing the truths of God's word in regards to my life. Though I have spoken of this often, especially as a pastor, to be challenged with those words on a personal level has been difficult, but beneficial. But as I have taken to reading God's word more lately, truth really is hopeful. It is a life long process, which is clearly reinforced in the book, and is common sense, though many times we want to read a book, apply the principles, and in a flash be fixed, but obviously, that is not reality.
It is a book worth reading, because as a close friend once told me, God honors character development. I believe it is true, but the process of it can be very painful, but so was the cross. Thanks be to God, that my righteousness is not by my works, but by his work. May my life reflect his character in the embrace of his grace!