Thursday, March 23, 2006

I just got back from a mission trip to Mexico through Baja Christian Ministries with our Student Ministry. I have done a trip like this every spring break for the past 11 years, and it is by far my favorite trip that I do. This year, I had the opportunity to take Ben with me. What an awesome trip! It was so cool to watch Ben interact with the local kids (the universal language of fun and games) and to share his toys (they are playing with a football that he brought and left with them). He also helped out pounding nails and helping the dad of one of the houses dig a hole for a fence, entirely on his own. I am very proud. The kids we took loved him as well. The group that went was great, worked hard, and we built 2 homes for 2 families. In addition, they did several VBS groups, and blew me away at their generosity in house warming gifts. It was a great trip. If you ever have the opportunity to do a missions trip, I highly recommend it. It will change your life. I always come back humbled a bit more.

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